EX.PO AUS sightseeing planner

EX.PO AUS sightseeing planner

EX.PO AUS sightseeing planner was made as a part pf WP 8 (design and promotion of inter-Adriatic tourist packages “UNESCO SITES OF THE ADRIATIC SEA”)

In order to make joint valorisation and promote UNESCO sites of the Adriatic Sea that are part of this project.
EX.PO AUS sightseeing planner is a web application for exploring UNESCO Adriatic sights online and making custom eBooklets with sightseeing routes.
On EX.PO AUS sightseeing planner you can explore the Inter-Adriatic UNESCO sites and make your own custom sightseeing tours according to your interests.
The main focus is the cultural heritage of the UNESCO sites - attractions and sights worth seeing. All locations are marked on the map and listed with a short description and photo.
Using this Sightseeing planner you will get custom eBooklet specially tailored for your own needs, loaded just with information you need and find useful and locations you wont to visit. It will contain only the basic, brief information and would serve as a kind of to-do (or better yet to-see) trip list. By clicking on provided links you can access more detailed information on the related web sites.

Each UNESCO location is presented with

  • introduction text (basic info)
  • list of sightseeing attractions (sights list)
  • map with all sights pined on it
Sights are organized in various categories (public buildings, sacral objects, museums...) and can be filtered out according to your interests.

Each attractions is presented with

  • photo
  • short description (address, opening hours, basic info, link for more info)


Once generated eBooklet consists of

  • a city map with sightseeing routes with chosen sights marked in it (attractions, museums, viewpoints etc.)
  • estimated time for taking the route
  • list of  chosen sights  with short description, photos and links to more information on Internet


You can plan trip to the following UNESCO Adriatic locations


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